Coral Gables DUI Lawyer

Call a Coral Gables DUI Lawyer to Protect Yourself

When pulled over for a suspected DUI, call a Coral Gables DUI lawyer who could protect your rights and future. A knowledgeable attorney could help customize a plan for your case. A lawyer could provide you with rigorous representation throughout the process for a fair outcome.

Call today for a private consultation to discuss your rights and a path forward.

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    Getting pulled over by the police can be a stressful situation. You often may not immediately understand why they decided to flash their blue and red lights. Unfortunately, some people find themselves pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI), even if they only had one drink. When you have received a citation, a Coral Gables DUI lawyer could give you legal advice to protect your rights and future.

    A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney could guide you through the system and provide dedicated advocacy. Mistakes happen, but you should not have to pay for them forever.

    Legal Limits

    Your body does not digest alcohol in the same way it does solid food. Instead, alcohol enters your blood and travels through your brain, kidneys, and liver. Blood alcohol content (BAC) is the alcohol percentage in the bloodstream. Police use this BAC measurement to determine whether you are driving under the influence.

    Under Florida Statutes § 316.193, a person is considered to be driving under the influence if their BAC is 0.08 or higher. Everybody is different, as one person can have a different BAC from another, even if they have had the same number of drinks. BAC is important for DUI cases because it affects the possible consequences.

    An experienced DUI attorney in Coral Gables could develop a custom legal strategy for your situation.

    Not Only Alcohol

    Other substances, such as marijuana, could have the same effect as alcohol on your ability to drive a car. Even legal drugs may have a detrimental effect on driving. Prescription medications could bring the same drowsiness and slowed alertness as alcohol. Over-the-counter cold medicine could multiply the effects of alcohol when mixed. For instance, having a single drink could have the effect of several drinks if mixed with cold medicine.

    Mistakenly mixing legal medicine with even a small amount of alcohol could result in a DUI with far-reaching consequences. At Shirazi and D’Escoubet Law Group, we know every case is different and will take a personalized approach to your case. A simple mistake should not result in a years-long hardship.