Coral Gables Car Accident Lawyer

Contact a Coral Gables Attorney About Your Car Accident Claim Today

Getting involved in any kind of traffic collision can be jarring and life-altering. On top of that, you have a relatively short period after sustaining an injury to take proactive legal action against whoever was responsible for your wreck. You will need to navigate some complicated legal rules and restrictions on your path to financial recovery.

You do not need to handle this situation alone. A Coral Gables car accident lawyer could advocate tirelessly for you so you can focus on healing. Call Shirazi and D’Escoubet Law Group today to discuss your legal options during a consultation.

Contact Us

    Automobile accidents cause tens of thousands of injuries, many of them fatal, to Florida residents and visitors every year. Almost all of these wrecks can be traced back to the reckless or careless conduct of at least one person directly involved in it. Even if you know someone else is to blame for your crash, successfully holding them accountable for your ensuing losses can require a great deal of experience and a thorough understanding of Florida state law.

    Fortunately, you have help available from a Coral Gables car accident lawyer. Our skilled attorneys could help you build a solid claim while also navigating any legal and procedural obstacles. Regardless of where your wreck happened or what specific losses you need to seek restitution for, your dedicated personal injury attorney from Shirazi and D’Escoubet Law Group could ensure your rights are respected throughout the legal process and tirelessly pursue a favorable case result.

    How the No-Fault System Works

    Florida is among the minority of states that take a no-fault approach to auto accident litigation. In brief, Florida’s no-fault rules ensure that anyone who gets hurt and sustains property damage in a traffic accident must first seek restitution through their personal injury protection (PIP) car insurance coverage before they can file a third-party lawsuit.

    The benefits available through this type of coverage vary from policy to policy, but state law requires every policy to cover at least 80 percent of a person’s reasonable medical expenses, 60 percent of income lost while recovering from injuries, and $5,000 of death benefits payable to surviving family members in the event an accident has fatal consequences. To have standing to file a lawsuit and seek recovery for other damages, including non-economic forms of harm like pain and suffering, a person bringing a claim must have sustained:

    • Significant and permanent disfigurement
    • An injury treating physicians are confident will be permanent
    • Significant and permanent impairment of an important bodily function
    • A fatal injury

    A Coral Gables car accident attorney could further explain what recovery options an injured motorist might have during a confidential consultation.

    Damages Available

    If an injured motorist successfully brings a third-party civil claim, they could be eligible to receive compensation for the economic and non-economic losses they sustained as a result of the wreck. This could include past and future medical bills, property damage, lost wages, a diminished working capacity, pain and suffering, disfigurement, emotional trauma, and a lost enjoyment of life.

    What Deadlines Apply to Car Crash Litigation?

    Even when someone does sustain a permanent and debilitating injury from an auto accident, they cannot wait until the full scope of their long-term losses becomes apparent before filing suit. Under state law, most people have a maximum of two years after initially sustaining a personal injury to file suit over that injury and its consequences formally.

    There may also be other exceptions to this statute of limitations under specific circumstances. Our car accident lawyers in Coral Gables could further detail any other available legal options a person might have available to them.